
For the silly cat creature that lives in my head

I don't know why, but I love this silly creature. It infected my brain and now influences my every thought (slight exaggeration). I have a huge collection of neco arc reaction images and gifs. This character fills me with an indescribable primal joy.

The AI song covers of Neco Arc are really good, I think this is because her voice is scratchy and screamy so she sounds like she's actually singing. They go unreasonably hard. I made a playlist of my favorites. YouTube keeps removing random videos from it for copyright reasons which is really annoying. When I noticed it happened I was able to remember one of the missing videos and find a reupload, but it's really hard to remember what's missing from a long list. Like, looking at all of the things that are there makes you actively forget what's missing, it seems.

Anyway I'm not an idiot, after losing two songs and recovering only one, I started a downloaded archive. Since then I've lost two more songs, which I've determined to be "I was made for loving you" by kiss, and "harder, better, faster, stronger". With the archive it's easy to figure out which are missing. Still curious about what that one video was. I'll probably never remember. Oh well.

Update from 12 days after publishing this webpage: I was blessed by the randomness of the human psyche, the fourth missing song just started playing in my head!! Yay! It was a cover of "You're Gonna Go Far Kid" by the offspring. Sadly, I was not able to find a reupload of the cover. It was a good song. This also goes further to show that how much I like a song does not have an impact on if that weird "missing element" effect happens or not. I really liked that one and yet still, just seeing a list with it missing was enough to erase it from my memory for several months. (Or at least, any time I did think about the song I didn't realize that was the missing one).

This is a good reminder to back up all of your YouTube playlists. Downloading every single video takes a long time and is a lot of effort, so you can just take a screenshot of the whole playlist (it may take a few screenshots) and keep that file safe. When you lose a video to copyright, you'll know which one it is and look for reuploads. It's not garunteed, but at least you'll know which video is the "1 unavailable video has been hidden".

How it feels to lose silly cat songs:

"But my YouTube playlist doesn't have any covers or copyrighted material in it-" Nope, still you should screenshot/save it. Sometimes people make their videos unlisted, sometimes for no reason. There's this animation by gooseworx called "little runmo" that I really like, and someone made an animation featuring runmo and a Jack Stauber song. I liked the video and a few years later tried to find it, but it was gone! I eventually found it in an old playlist, so I have the link. I have no fucking clue why they unlisted their video.

I guess it's also a good idea to save a text file with the link to every video, in that case. (Unlisted videos can't be found, but their links still work)

I tried to draw neco arc twice. It was fun.

I also have this collection on pinterest. Okay thanks for rea-
