

Isn't it weird how exact and perfect integers are? Like, when someone says "my cat weighs 4kg", you don't think "that cat weights exactly 4kg, not a femptogram more or less" you think "that cat weights somewhere inbetween 3,500 and 4,500 grams".

But if someone says they have "12 eggs" they have exactly 12. They don't have 12.001, or 11.999, they have 12. This is, obvious, but also a bit unusual. The real world is chaotic, and messy. It isn't exact, and it shouldn't be. Let's make a terrible numbering system to "fix" this!

Relevant xkcd


There's a lot of ways to do this. My first thought is to make the symbols' values different, like <4> meaning 4.0023, but then I had a better idea. Oh, and by the way I'm using decimal, just to make this simpler for the audience. No point in messing with it being decimal.

But I think pure integers should be representable, so a better idea (in my opinion) is to make the value multipliers different. Base 10.0038 sounds good. So the numbers 0-9 all look the same, but to write 10, it's 9... uh, okay this math is really complicated. For simplicity sake, it's mixed radix*. Decimal after the radix point, and base 10.0038 before it. So 10DEC is 9.9962INEX!

*I only just now realized how funny this is. Using mixed radix to make something simpler. Oh also mixed radix is when different digits of a number use different bases, like how 1:00 on a clock is equivalent to 60 minutes instead of 100.

But here's the thing, this is kind of boring too. It just stacks multiples of 0.0038. To convert 24 to inexactimal, it's just 24 - (0.0038 * 2.0). The next thing I tried was using proper base 10.0038 using wolfram alpha. Wolfram alpha would sometimes accept my inputs, so now I know that 10DEC is 9.996618014299...INEX, but the problem is that every integer is represented as that integer minus one and then that exact string of digits after the radix point. It's the same for every number.

Back to the Drawing Board

So the first method was too simple, and the second method was too predictable, hmmm...

I think I've been thinking about this all wrong. We don't want there to be a way to represent perfect integers perse (though there probably is a way too) we want all these numbers to be estimations. Like, 776 should still mean roughly 776, but just be ever so slightly off. Let's revisit the very first idea. The base is 10 but each digit has a slightly randomized value.

0 0.0000
1 1.0006
2 1.9996
3 3.0009
4 4.00083
5 4.99974
6 5.99921
7 7.000143
8 8.000446
9 8.998

I think the problem with this is that it will be too deterministic, but let's try it out. I wrote a little program to make this 100 entry table. Also, I decided to keep 0 at 0. I don't know why, it just felt like too much to change it for some reason. Something about large powers of ten. Idk I'm silly.

Inexactimal Decimal
10 10.006
11 11.0066
12 12.0056
13 13.0069
14 14.00683
15 15.00574
16 16.00521
17 17.006143
18 18.006446
19 19.004
20 19.996
21 20.9966
22 21.9956
23 22.9969
24 23.99683
25 24.99574
26 25.99521
27 26.996143
28 27.996446
29 28.994
30 30.009
31 31.0096
32 32.0086
33 33.0099
34 34.00983
35 35.00874
36 36.00821
37 37.009143
38 38.009446
39 39.007
40 40.0083
41 41.0089
42 42.0079
43 43.0092
44 44.00913
45 45.00804
46 46.00751
47 47.008443
48 48.008746
49 49.0063
50 49.9974
51 50.998
52 51.997
53 52.9983
54 53.99823
55 54.99714
56 55.99661
57 56.997543
58 57.997846
59 58.9954
60 59.9921
61 60.9927
62 61.9917
63 62.993
64 63.99293
65 64.99184
66 65.99131
67 66.992243
68 67.992546
69 68.9901
70 70.00143
71 71.00203
72 72.00103
73 73.00233
74 74.00226
75 75.00117
76 76.00064
77 77.001573
78 78.001876
79 78.99943
80 80.00446
81 81.00506
82 82.00406
83 83.00536
84 84.00529
85 85.0042
86 86.00367
87 87.004603
88 88.004906
89 89.00246
90 89.98
91 90.9806
92 91.9796
93 92.9809
94 93.98083
95 94.97974
96 95.97921
97 96.980143
98 97.980446
99 98.978
100 100.06

Alright that's looking pretty good! They're fairly random, whilst being pretty much the number they say they are. It took me 2 tries, but in the end my first instinct was the best. Maybe I could've improved this by using real randomness, but I don't know how to implement that well. My one complaint, if I had to make one, is that they're too simple. 90 is 89.98, after all, it should have like 20 digits. Eh, doesn't matter that much. It should be inexact anyway.

Lastly, they're pronounced like normal decimal numbers, but with "roughly" in front. Since <10> means 10.006, it makes perfect sense to call it "roughly ten". "About", "almost", and "basically" work too.


This webpage was a little shorter than my usual ones. I hope you enjoyed it anyway, though. Maybe I'll update it in the future. I made this on 1.9996/18.006446/2024.59574, thanks for reading!

PS one half is exactly 0.499974, or roughly 0.5.
